Knees for You Guide to Knee Replacement

Serving the Patient Community since 12/18/2006    Patricia Walter Owner/Webmaster

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Meta-analysis: FDA-approved intra-articular HA injections effective for knee OA 2013

September 17, 2013

Researchers of a recently published meta-analysis have concluded that intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis significantly improve pain and function compared to placebo.

The researchers analyzed 29 studies comprising results from 4,866 patients with knee OA who either received intra-articular HA or saline injections, according to the abstract. They found a significant improvement in pain and function between 4 weeks and 26 weeks in the HA injection group compared to the saline group, with an increase in mean standard difference of 1.07 – 1.37 compared to pre-injection levels.

"The data set is consistent with what I and many other physicians have clinically observed for many years – HAs have been found to be safe, can help relieve knee pain from osteoarthritis, and are appropriate treatment for people with mild to moderate forms of the disease," Mark A. Snyder, MD, from the TriHealth Orthopedic and Spine Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio, stated in a press release.


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