Knees for You Guide to Knee Replacement

Serving the Patient Community since 12/18/2006    Patricia Walter Owner/Webmaster

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Study estimates number of Americans living with TKR to be in the millions

April 5, 2012

An estimated 4 million Americans aged 50 years or older have an intact, primary total knee replacement, according to research funded by the National Institutes of Health and presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2012 Annual Meeting.

..."Among U.S. adults aged 50 plus, [total knee replacement] TKR is considerably more prevalent than rheumatoid arthritis and nearly as prevalent as congestive heart failure," ...

...Among Americans aged 50 years or older, the investigators estimated that 3.4% of men and 4.9% of women are living with a TKR




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Web design by Patricia Walter    Copyright Knees For You Guide to Knee Replacement 12/18/2006   

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Joint Health Sites  LLC