Synovial Fluid Replacement Therapy
By Vera Griffin

Summary of the Therapy

  • lubricates the joint and restores the elastic properties of the fluid

  • ability to act as a shock absorber

  • movement of the joint becomes easier and more comfortable

  • decreases pain for up to six months and also improves function in patients with OA of the knee

  • patient's reliance on other pain relieving medications is significantly reduced

  • available on Medical Card Scheme

  • may delay necessity for knee replacement surgery

  • effective in treating patients with early to middle stage arthritis who wish to improve their function and reduce pain

  • effective in patients with more advanced arthritis who may experience delays in receiving a total joint replacement

  • valuable tool for GPs whose patients find themselves on long waiting lists to see an orthopaedic surgeon

  • effective use in treatment of sports injuries particularly in the knee

  • can prevent further loss of cartilage

  • may stimulate the natural production of synovial fluid by the body a process know as visco-induction

  • is a longer lasting alternative which is safe and could help to reduce dependence on anti-inflammatory medication

  • Is Synovial Fluid Replacement Therapy Painful?

    No, Synovial Fluid Replacement Therapy is not painful. Naturally, as with all injections, there is mild and short-lasting discomfort during the actual procedure, but aside from this Synovial Fluid Replacement Therapy is virtually painless. Often your physician will use a topical anaesthetic to reduce the discomfort.

    If there is considerable inflammation around the joint, the physician may remove some of the excess fluid (exudate) prior to an injection.

    Synovial Fluid Replacement Therapy can be an effective alternative for all stages of Osteoarthritis.

    Vera Griffin is the managing director of Premier Medical Limited, a fully owned Irish Company. The company objective is to deliver innovative research based medicines to the Irish market. For further information on Restoring Joint Mobility and Relieving Pain Caused by Osteoarthritis visit

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    Knee Pain can be controlled by many methods.
    Deciding on what is right for you is up to you and your doctor.
    This website does not provide medical advice.
    Only a doctor can tell you what is wrong with your knee
    and only a doctor can prescribe pain medicine and treatment.
    Copyright Knees for You  2007