Knees for You Guide to Knee Replacement

Serving the Patient Community since 12/18/2006    Patricia Walter Owner/Webmaster

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Knee Replacement Often Beneficial for RA: Study 2013

Patients did as well as those with osteoarthritis, but same did not hold true for hip replacement - June 2013

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The common belief that rheumatoid arthritis patients don't benefit from knee replacement surgery as much as those with the more common osteoarthritis has been challenged by the findings from a pair of studies by New York City scientists.

Researchers from the Hospital for Special Surgery also found, however, that rheumatoid arthritis patients who underwent a total hip replacement didn't fare as well as those with osteoarthritis, though they did experience improvements in pain and function...

...In the first study, Goodman and her team analyzed joint replacement registry data to identify 178 rheumatoid arthritis patients and more than 5,200 osteoarthritis patients who underwent knee replacement surgery. Though rheumatoid arthritis patients had worse pain and function before surgery, patients in both groups had similar satisfaction rates after surgery.

The second study compared outcomes of 202 rheumatoid arthritis patients and more than 5,800 osteoarthritis patients who underwent hip replacement, finding that those with rheumatoid arthritis started out with worse function before surgery and also had worse pain and function scores after surgery. However, rheumatoid arthritis patients were as likely as those with osteoarthritis to experience an overall improvement after hip replacement, though the gains didn't erase the disparity between the two groups.

..."The advice to rheumatoid arthritis patients is, really, that you will have significant pain relief [from joint replacement surgery]," Goodman said. "It is an area that needs more study. We're looking forward to assessing more rheumatoid-specific factors."

The research, which looked at participants with active rheumatoid arthritis, is consistent with what Dr. Olivia Ghaw, an assistant professor of medicine in rheumatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City, sees in her practice...


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